“Are You Being Held Back By Shoulder Pain? Have You Tried Everything To Fix It, But Feel Let Down?”
Don’t sacrifice your active lifestyle or the sports you love over problems that can be fixed. That’s why we made this just for you.
A Personal Message About Shoulder Pain From Specialist Physical Therapist, Carlo Reyes…

Carlo Reyes
Specialist Physical Therapist
The thing is, all those pain meds are not good for your stomach and trying to “rest” hasn’t gotten you any further along either.
Let’s be honest… it’s not fun to trying to simply put on a jacket or reach for that cup and having a pain limit what you do- It ruins your day.
I have treated clients over the years have dealt with debilitating shoulder pain for months or years.
Most are frustrated and depressed that they are unable to participate in family or leisure activities as desired.
What I can tell you is that pain medications are not good for your organs and generic exercises that are found on the internet are not going to work. Why? Because they don’t solve the ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM.
Painkillers and generic exercises temporarily relieve pain. What happens when you stop doing them? The pain returns…
Many people today have accepted shoulder pain as “a normal part of life”, mostly because they are so used to it. This is NOT NORMAL, you can get better with the “right” guidance.
Since I continue to see people frustrated by shoulder problems, I have written a report that gives you tips and tricks for easing shoulder pain naturally. This is available to you…for free!
The one thing we can guarantee is that by doing nothing, your shoulder pain won’t get better.
So the next important thing is to take action.